Monthly Archives: April 2012

Downloadable worksheet/Game

Right guys,

how are we going to go about creating the game and the worksheet?

furthermore who is going to do what?


Easy guys,

This is my other page, the gallery.

Again much appriciated if you could give me feedback on how i could improve it.

Admissions/Prices Page

Guyys this is the admissions page. Get back to me with suggested improvements ETC and ill do them.

The Gallery page will also be followed shortly.

About Us

This is the first draft I have done for the ‘About Us’ page. Again, please leave a comment on what you think I should change or improve.



Contents Page

This is the first draft I have done for the Contents Page. Give me your views on what you think I should either change or improve.

latest news page after the improvements

This is the ‘Latest News’ page after the improvements. Give your opinion for any further improvements!