Monthly Archives: February 2012

Newsletter plan…

Newsletter Plan




–       Front cover


–       Content


–       About us


–       What’s on


–       Prices and offers


–       Animal conservation


–       Latest news


–       Gallery

– Right guys, this is our plan for our newsletter. Comment if you think we should change something.



We are Team Kaizenn!

This is our first official post  in which we will introduce ourselves, our ethos and what it is we aim to achieve.

So, Team Kaizenn consists of 4 members, (Jubad, Hamza, Jordan and Tehmur), and together we aim to produce a unique package for Twycross Zoo. This package will consist of a game and a newsletter. We will regularly update our progress through this blog and invite you to comment on different aspects of the product with possible improvement/criticism and fresh ideas.


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